Supporting Our Communities and Patients Amidst COVID-19
- Announcements
- March 23, 2020
COVID-19 Update: 3/23/2020
During the past weeks, all of us at Chiropractic Company have been working hard to develop a plan to be proactive in dealing with the worldwide health crisis of COVID-19. Our purpose at Chiropractic Company is improving lives, and we have thought long and hard about what that means in times like these. Monday’s "safer at home" message from Governor Evers further affects our lives, as it indicates that many of our State’s businesses must close in order to quell the spread of the coronavirus.
Rather than closing our clinics and making our already-taxed hospital system the only place to seek care, we have decided to keep our offices open and available for new appointments. It is important to note that attending these appointments are permissible under the "safer at home" guidelines. We need to continue to serve the public and give members of our community the best option for their neck and back pain needs. This is a necessary step to give the hospitals the time they need to deal with crisis care.
In staying open and continuing to serve our community, we will need to take measures to safeguard our valued patients, clinicians and staff. These measures are as follows:
If you are exhibiting symptoms that you believe are a result of coronavirus, or if you believe that you’ve been in contact with anyone with the virus, please call us to reschedule your chiropractic appointment, and follow up with your doctor or nearest urgent care center. We have also instructed our employees that they should stay at home if they feel that they are exhibiting any symptoms correlated with COVID-19.
Much like other essential businesses that are remaining open to serve the public, each one of our clinics will be focused on cleaning and disinfecting the treatment areas while mitigating any potential contamination to insure each patients’ individual safety. This practice may affect office hours at some of our clinics.
Also, any of our patients who have compromised immune systems or are “high-risk”, should call in advance so we can schedule you at a time when there are no other patients in the office. This includes those of you who have health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, are currently undergoing chemotherapy, or may be immunocompromised for any other reason.
If this "safer at home" order should go on for any major length of time, we realize that many members of our community will need our services. Our mission is to help improve your life, and we strive to continue to be your solution for pain relief. We resolve to help you and your family stay healthy in these uncertain times and to help you prepare to bounce back to normal life as soon as this ordeal passes.
We are all in this together, and we will continue to serve you to the best of our abilities as we go forward.
Chiropractic Company